
Michelle Rau is a writer, gardener, builder, designer, kayaker, cyclist, artist, home improvement enthusiast, communications professional and chocoholic rediscovering her native Pacific Northwest.

By day, she’s a technical writer. By night, she writes fiction and nonfiction in different genres. Her current projects include Fit, Fudge, Fifty on Medium (prescriptive nonfiction / memoir), a short story collection (satire), and Pedi Party (erotic romance). Previously, she published The Guest Room of the Heart (poetry and prose).

Michelle has also written one-act plays, scripts for short videos, feature news articles and essays. Professionally, Michelle provides business, marketing and technical communications.

Michelle’s other creative projects include mixed media and collage, photography, cartoons, crochet and fiber arts, graphic design, and home improvement projects involving wood and concrete.

She co-leads a writer’s group in Vancouver, Washington.

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